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Empty Library

"Supposing is good, but finding out is better." 

Mark Twain


Our democracy is robust, but its enemies are many. Most of the papers I have published were born out of necessity to help understand complex terrorism threats in western democracies.  I have therefore sought to contribute towards our knowledge of these threats, improve responses, illuminate the dark corners of our past, or to support contemporary society in alignment with our democratic principles. In all cases, I have sought to challenge common assumptions or misconceptions with empirically grounded and theoretically informed research.


Check out the list of my publications below, and don’t hesitate to contact me for more information.




Campion, K and Colvin, E. (2024). Foreign and Familiar: Recruitment pathways for young people engaged in extremism in Australia. Perspectives on Terrorism, 8, 4. 


Phillips, J. B., Ingram, K. M., & Campion, K. (2024). Gendered extremism in the Pacific on 4chan: A mixed-methods exploration of Australian and New Zealanders’ concepts of women, gender, and sexual violence on /pol/. Terrorism and Political Violence, 1-22. Advance online publication.


Phillips, J., & Campion, K. (2024). Is he /ourguy/, a false flag, or something else? Debating Breivik’s and Tarrant’s terrorism on 4chan’s /pol/ board. Studies in Conflict and Terrorism. Advance online publication. 


Ingram, K. M., & Campion, K. (2024). Of heroes and mothers: Locating gender in ideological narratives of Salafi-Jihadist and extreme right propaganda. Studies in Conflict and Terrorism. Advance online publication. 


Campion, K. Ingram, K. Delaforce, R. Allan, D.M.C, Nolan, M. (2024). Submission to the Inquiry on Right Wing Extremist Movements in Australia. Public Submission. Parliament of Australia: Canberra. 




Campion, K., & Phillips, J. (2023). The exclusivist claims of Pacific ecofascists: Visual environmental communication by far right groups in Australia and New Zealand. In B. Fortchner (Ed.), Visualizing Far Right Environments: Communication and the politics of nature (pp. 98-139). (Global Studies of the Far Right). Manchester University Press. 


Campion, K. (2023). Militants, pirates, or extremists? Frameworks for conceptualizing left wing extremism in Australia. In P. Zúquete (Ed.,). Handbook of Left Wing Extremism Palgrave Macmillan. 


Campion, K., Nolan, M., & O'Brien, N. (2023). Framing the Australian Extreme Right: Proposing a Threefold Typology with Consideration of Legislation and Listing Regulations. Journal of Policing, Intelligence and Counter Terrorism, [RPIC 2165136]. 


Campion, K., Nolan, M., Delaforce, R., Jones, S., & Allan, D. M. C. (2023). Joint Submission to the Counter-Terrorism Legislation Amendment (Prohibited Hate Symbols and Other Measures) Bill 2023. Parliament of Australia.


Nolan, M., & Campion, K. (2023). Review of post-sentence terrorism orders: Division 105A of the Criminal Code Act 1995. Parliament of Australia.




Campion, K. (2022). Chasing shadows: The untold and deadly story of terrorism in Australia. (1st ed.) Allen & Unwin.


Campion, K., Ferrill, J., Colvin, E., West, L., Delaforce, R., O'Brien, N., Nolan, M., & Allan, D. M. C. (2022). Submission and testimony to the Inquiry into Extremism in Victoria Threats to Australian Domestic Security Group. Parliament of Victoria. 


Nolan, M., & Campion, K. (2022). Submission to the Independent National Security Legislation Monitor: Call for expert submissions: High-Risk Terrorism Offender (HRTO) review. Charles Sturt University.


Nolan, M., & Campion, K. (2022). Submission and public hearing testimony to the Independent National Security Legislation Monitor: Call for expert submission: High-Risk Terrorism offender (HRTO) review. Australian Government. 




Campion, K. (2021). Defining ecofascism: Historical foundations and contemporary interpretations in the extreme right. Terrorism and Political Violence, 35(4), 926-944. 


Campion, K., & Poynting, S. (2021). International nets and national links: The global rise of the extreme right - introduction to the special issue. Social Sciences, 10(2), 1-7. [61]. 


Campion, K., Ferrill, J., & Milligan, K. (2021). Extremist exploitation of the context created by COVID-19 and the implications for Australian security. Perspectives on Terrorism, 15(6), 23-40. 


West, L., & Campion, K. (2021). Teaching terrorism and practitioners: Context, capabilities, and connectivity in counter-terrorism knowledge and networks. Journal of Policing, Intelligence and Counter Terrorism, 16(1), 75-91. 


O'Brien, N., Campion, K., & Nolan, M. (2021). Submission to the Inquiry into extremist movements and radicalism in Australia. Charles Sturt University.


Ferrill, J., & Campion, K. (2021). Border security: An ideological nexus. Behind the Headlines, 69(10), 3-5.




Campion, K. (2020). Contemporary Right Wing Extremism in Australia. Australian Strategic Policy Institute. Special Report, 13-18. 


Campion, K. (2020). "Unstructured terrorism"? Assessing left wing extremism in Australia. Critical Studies on Terrorism, 13(4), 545-567. 


Campion, K. (2020). Women in the extreme and radical right: Forms of participation and their implications. Social Sciences, 9(9), 1-20. [149].



Campion, K. (2019). A "lunatic fringe"? The persistence of right wing extremism in Australia. Perspectives on Terrorism, 13(2), 2-20. [1]. 


Campion, K. (2019). Australian right wing extremist ideology: Exploring narratives of nostalgia and nemesis. Journal of Policing, Intelligence and Counter Terrorism, 14(3), 208-226. 



Prior Academia 

Campion, K. (2017). Blast through the Past: Terrorist attacks on arts and antiquities as a reconquest of the modern jihadi identity. Perspectives on Terrorism, 11(1), 1-15. [1].


Campion, K. (2018). The Ustaša in Australia: A review of right-wing Ustaša terrorism from 1963-1973, and factors that enabled their endurance. Salus Journal, 6(2), 37-58.

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